New player info

6 príspevkov

  1. Marcel van der Meer says:

    I see the same questions in chat from new players , so here we can place info about those items (info from players , so not always 100% correct)

  2. Marcel van der Meer says:

    How much is a producing building worth to sell or buy ?

    The prices can change every day , so iff you wanna be sure, always check with a few players.
    small farm 3-5M
    big farm 40-60M
    small factory 6-8M
    medium factory 40-60M
    big factory 600-700M
    endless well/mine 700-1000M
    This buildings are worth a lot to sell/buy.. how come ?.. players need them to keep their shops filled with products , som shops have a income over 100M a day !!..

  3. Marcel van der Meer says:

    How much is a rental building worth to sell or buy ?
    Rentals hav low but steady income , so it will take a long time to get you money back and start making a profit on them.lets say a hotel cost 1M to build and has an income of 1k a day.. so after 1000 days you have you 1M building costs back.
    Only after this time you will start making profit on this building.

    So..whats it worth to sell/buy it from another player ?
    I would say..just what a player wants to spend on it.

    I buy a lot of rentals and dont wanna overpay, because it takes to long to get a profit.
    I always offer the buildingcost (1M) and 180 days income (180K) so for the same hotel i would pay 1.180.000 $.. and that is not much.. butthats because it would take about 6 months to start making a profit.
    for the example , i used random building and income cost !!!!

  4. Robbo says:

    if this is the case why do i get idiots offering me 400 mill for a large farm wich i refuse as im a new player

  5. Jennifer Hoven says:

    How do you use a mining map?

    • Official member of Investor City teamMark says:

      If you unlock mining map, just go to list of cities, find the mining city and enter it as you enter to other cities.

      You will be redirected to special place, where you can start mining.

      Have a nice day,

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