9 news
today we added these features to game:
1. Product market offers - from now players are able to put offers for buying products on market. For example you can create offer for buying 100 pieces of Furniture for 100 000 $ and other players can accept that offer by giving you requested products.
2. List of buildings - we added to this list Location index for rental buildings
3. Buying trucks - it is possible to buy more trucks on one click
4. We increased warehouse capacity maximum for players without premium package - new maximum is 20 000.
5. Not selling shops - now it is possible in the list of buildings to filter all shops that are not selling products
6. Caviar - caviar can be produced on Small farm by mistake. We forgot to remove this product from menu in List of buildings. We removed it from there. The small farms already producing caviar, will produce it in the future too, but Caviar is not be possible to choose for production for small farms.
7. Building market - on building market is now possible to select only your buildings
8. Private city building purchase - it is now possible to sell buildings between players having acces to private city
9. We removed team members from players ranking
Have a nice day,
today we added these features to game:
1. Product market offers - from now players are able to put offers for buying products on market. For example you can create offer for buying 100 pieces of Furniture for 100 000 $ and other players can accept that offer by giving you requested products.
2. List of buildings - we added to this list Location index for rental buildings
3. Buying trucks - it is possible to buy more trucks on one click
4. We increased warehouse capacity maximum for players without premium package - new maximum is 20 000.
5. Not selling shops - now it is possible in the list of buildings to filter all shops that are not selling products
6. Caviar - caviar can be produced on Small farm by mistake. We forgot to remove this product from menu in List of buildings. We removed it from there. The small farms already producing caviar, will produce it in the future too, but Caviar is not be possible to choose for production for small farms.
7. Building market - on building market is now possible to select only your buildings
8. Private city building purchase - it is now possible to sell buildings between players having acces to private city
9. We removed team members from players ranking
Have a nice day,
Great job guys! All you need to add is "video button" for youtube. To help us video for it or something.
You can use OBS (Open Broadcast Software). it's free and although will take alot of tweaking and fiddling to make it just right, it's what most Streamers and Video creators use.
Ok, can you send me a link to it?
i just gave you the info you needed to google it yourself, if your gonna do this your gonna need to be able to find out how to properly set this up yourself and be at least competent with These types of Software to make it work (i cannot provide Support/technical help if you cant figure out how to work OBS).
Carl, Sir, i just went to download the versions of it and it will not work b/c apparently i dont have windows 10....when i DO have it. But thanks for trying to help.
i dont have Windows 10, and i been using it for over a year for Twitch Streaming and Youtube Videos.
there is a scarcity of energy so ther should be production of energy from nuclear plant
There really should
there should be contractor like minister to whom we can assign work